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MOOCs Book
Curtis J. Bonk, Mimi M. Lee, Thomas C. Reeves, & Thomas H. Reynolds (2015). MOOCs and Open Education Around the World. Routledge.

Learn more about MOOCs and Open Education Around the World

MOOCs are a fairly recent development. MOOC simply denotes a Massive Open Online Course, but in the larger context, MOOCs and open educational resources (OERs) may serve as a catalyst to improve higher education. There is therefore an increasing need to document and understand how people around the world are conducting these new forms of digital learning. Everyone wants to better understand these new digital initiatives. How can online learning techniques be improved? Recent changes in online learning have forced institutions to invent new protocols to handle assessment, accreditation, quality standards, credentialing, motivating MOOC students and many other important issues. In response to this increasing demand for knowledge, MOOCs and Open Education Around the World explains various implementations open education, distance learning and MOOCs. This MOOC book also discusses the potential hazards and educational improvements that are made possible by these new forms of online education. Amongst the many issues which need to be addressed are student-teacher interaction, various assessment strategies, and content delivery platforms. What are the different business plans of governments and other institutions which offer MOOCs today? What are the major obstacles and problems that need to be dealt with? This book explains the current and future state of open education trends and issues related to MOOCs. This distance-learning book shares new research findings and provides practical suggestions. For more information please follow this link: MOOCs and Open Education Book.

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MOOCs and Open Education Book: Many readers of this volume may regard Open Education as a relatively new term.
Open Education Book on The Book Depository.: Curtis J. Bonk is an internationally recognized leader in open and distance learning. He is the author of several books.
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Open Education MOOC Book: Open Education Books.
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MOOCs and Open Education Around the World -- sponpress: Routledge is pleased to offer the preface to MOOCs and Open Education Around the World
The Open Education Consortium: Open Education seeks to scale educational opportunities by taking advantage of the power of the internet.

Open Education Books

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MOOCs and Open Education Book on Taylor & Francis Group: Categories: Open & Distance Education and eLearning, Technology in Education, Teaching & Learning.
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