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MOOCs Book
Curtis J. Bonk, Mimi M. Lee, Thomas C. Reeves, & Thomas H. Reynolds (2015). MOOCs and Open Education Around the World. Routledge.

Learn more about MOOCs and Open Education Around the World

As massive open online courses (MOOCs) and other forms of open educational resources (OERs) proliferate, there is an increasing need to better understand how these new forms of digital learning are being implemented in different regions of the world. Teachers, students, governments and many other organizations want to understand these new forms of learning. How can MOOCs be improved? Recent changes in online learning have forced institutions to invent new protocols to handle assessment, accreditation, quality standards, credentialing, motivating MOOC students and many other important issues. In response to this increasing demand for knowledge, MOOCs and Open Education Around the World explains various implementations open education, distance learning and MOOCs. This open education book also describes some of the hazards and learning advancements that are possible with these new kinds of distance learning. Many issues are being raised about assessment schemes, interaction possibilities, and optimal delivery formats. What are the different business models of companies which are offering MOOCs today like edX, MITx, Coursera, Udemy, and Udacity? What are the most controversial issues that need to be explored? This book explains the current and future state of open education trends and issues related to MOOCs. This distance-learning book shares new research findings and provides practical suggestions. For more information please follow this link: Free MOOC Books.

Find out more about MOOCs and Open Education Around the World

MOOCs and Open Education Articles and Books

MOOCs and Open Education Books

Open educational world: Provides approaches that help the reader navigate the open educational world and allow learners to surf the coming wave of change.
The world of open education: So much is available for educators today! Free e-books and related e-book lists.
Articles about Open Education: Best Open Education Books Hosted by Routledge.
Open Education Week: Open Education Week is a celebration of the global Open Education Movement.
Free access to the world's best education: Partnering with top universities and organizations to offer courses for anyone to take.
MOOCs Directory: 2015: New Book on MOOCs
Massive Open Online Courses: Should all university lectures automatically be recorded?
Open & Online Education at TU Delft: One of main developments is the creation of more than 15 MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses), given for free on the edX platform, on various topics.
What is Open Education: Join projects that are going on around the world.
Promoting open education around the world: Incredible online educational tools and resources.

Books about MOOCs

MOOCs and Open Education: Implications for Higher Education: The phenomena of MOOCs are placed in the context of open education, online learning and changes that are currently taking place in higher education.
Ten useful reports on MOOCs and online education: MOOCs, Open Educational Resources and online education.
Open Educational Textbook Library: Teachers and students can freely use the open educational textbooks.
What is a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC)?: A massive open online course (MOOC) is a model for delivering learning content online with no limit on attendance.
Open education book: MOOCs and Open Education Media and Public Relations links.
Adding Some TEC-VARIETY MOOCs Book: The emergence of massive open online courses (MOOCs) has made the present situation even more precarious and a remedy more urgent.
MOOCs and Open Education Book: Many readers of this volume may regard Open Education as a relatively new term.
Open education articles: Articles about MOOCs and Open education articles.
Articles related to online learning and open education.: Open education and many ideas related to Open education books and articles.
Open World Books: Open Education Books by Curtis J. Bonk.